Get Chess Court

Get your own copy of Chess Court from Neverwinter Nights Vault.
I usually host this module weekdays 10 am through 3 pm pacific time.
View the revision history.
- Now testing for check and pinned pieces
- You can ask the chessmaster to save a chess game or load a game and play back the moves
- Pieces can show their legal moves and which are threatened
- Custom staff to move chess pieces
- Pawn promotion and underpromotion
- Supports en passant pawn capture
- Supports castling (not yet preventing castle through check)
- Automatic piece adjustment after moves
- Move validation (all but tests for checkmate and stalemate)
- Library supports any board scale a piece will fit on
- Designed to be modified and reused
- Pieces announce moves as they make them
- The Chess Master keeps a move list
- The Chess Master can set up chess openings and problems
- The Chess Master can show you the openings or the solutions to the problems
- Builders can add thier own chess problems and openings using a string that follows the syntax documented in itools chess